Call for contributions "Geologia dell’Ambiente"


Società Italiana di Geologia Ambientale

The Società Italiana di Geologia Ambientale offers an opportunity to contribute to a volume of the SIGEA Journal “Geology of the Environment” (ISSN 1951 – 5352) which is published quarterly.

More information here:

SIGEA Journal “Geology of the Environment”

information and submission of abstracts contact us at

Articles should have a maximum limit of five pages (considering 6000 characters per page, including spaces), including figures and references list.


Only five articles will be selected by a special committee for the above volume.


The complete guide for authors can be found at the following link:

  • Call for contributions “Geology for the Environment” opens – Feb. 6, 2023
  • Call closing – April 30, 2023
  • Journal Publication – September 2023
Call for contributions "Mineralogia e Petrologia"


Bulletin of Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia (SIMP)

Plinius represents the official bulletin of the “Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia” (SIMP), and from this year, BeGeo will collaborate in the realization of its new edition with the aim of contributing to its renewal. In particular, the participants of the BeGeo2023 congress will have the opportunity to publish the extended abstracts of their contributions directly on Plinius, in the SIMP’s areas of competence (from GEO-06 to GEO-09). This collaboration greatly expands the visibility of the publication, making it even more relevant to the scientific community.

More information here:
SIMP – Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia
Plinius, bollettino ufficiale della SIMP

Extended abstracts must be written in English and should comprise a maximum of 8 pages including figures and references list.

The file must be sent to the following email adresses:


Please follow the template below


June 30, 2023