BeGEO 2023


“The hazard and risk assessment in volcanic areas represents an interdisciplinary topic that has garnered more attention in recent years in our society. The human infrastructures settled in volcanic areas are exposed to a variety of dangers associated with eruptive phenomena, including pyroclastic density currents, lava flows, ballistic ejections and ash dispersions, earthquakes, tsunamis and lahars, as well as gas release. Geological, geophysical and geochemical monitoring are fundamental to obtain essential information about the status of the volcanic system, even though the timing, forecast and characteristics of eruptions are always uncertain. The importance of the connection between risk mitigation and the reduction of economic and life loss induced by volcanic manifestations can be understood by integrating field works, data analysis, statistical approaches and numerical models. Probability assessments can help us to reconstruct the eruptive history of a volcano and combine all the threats that may be connected to the different eruptions in different areas.
In this session we collect contributions that promote volcanic hazard assessments through direct or indirect methods, through recent cognitive tools with the aim of estimating the consequences in terms of risk in volcanic areas. Furthermore, contributions dealing with statistical monitoring problems useful for the prediction of eruptions and related phenomena will also be accepted. It would be beneficial to have a variety of case studies from different volcanoes around the world in order to get a well-rounded understanding of these issues.”

Laura Calabrò – INGV
Gabriele Carnevale – Univ. of Palermo
Alessia Falasconi – University of Florence 
Francesco Zuccarello – INGV Catania

The surface of our planet is constantly shaped by highly dynamic geological and anthropogenic processes. Communities interact with their environment continuously and intensively, tending to expose themselves to natural hazards or endangering natural systems through their activities. Nowadays, a rising number of communities are vulnerable to geological and environmental risks, e.g., earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and floods. Furthermore, the urban sprawl and the consequent intense land use is creating pressing environmental challenges, with projected increase in future. Global climate change represents an existential threat to continuously growing societies in the 21st century and its consequences are flagrant: intensification of droughts, floods, coastal erosion, glacial retreat, and permafrost degradation.

Innovative remote sensing concepts are essential to understand past and ongoing spatio-temporal phenomena and evaluate future scenarios. In this context, satellites- and airborne-based sensors represent a powerful tool for studying natural and human-induced Earth surface processes, helping in the understanding and mitigation of the related effects. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), for example, are established techniques in the observation and monitoring of surface deformation related to active tectonic areas, volcanoes, landslides, glaciers, but also human activities. Multi- and hyper-spectral sensors on satellite airborne systems (e.g., Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAV) enable high-resolution mapping and a nearly real-time monitoring of fast-evolving processes, as coastal erosion, land use changes, floods, landslides, wildfires and lava flows.

In this session, we seek contributions dealing with any type of remote sensing applications for the study of geological and human-induced processes. Examples of contributions include (but are not limited to): InSAR and GNSS for earthquakes, volcanoes, geothermal systems, landslides and urban subsidence; SAR polarimetry, flood mapping and oil spill detection; multi- and hyper-spectral applications for geological mapping, land use and vegetation health monitoring; photogrammetry and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) for 3D analyses (e.g., coastal evolution, structural geology, glaciology, mining). We particularly welcome studies showing a multi-disciplinary approach where remote sensing techniques are combined with the most advanced modeling techniques, field observations or machine learning techniques.

Alessandro La Rosa – University of Pisa
Cynthia V. Sassenroth – University of Pisa
Marco Luppichini – University of Pisa
Diana Orlandi – University of Pisa

This session aims to gather contributions on recovery and characterization of natural and industrial waste products, exploitation and valorisation as secondary raw materials and their reuse for innovative and green applications. The utilization of them is of great interest in many fields, from the construction sector to the field of thermal-acoustic insulation, the restoration to the conservation of cultural heritage. In this sense, alkaline-activated materials (AAMs) and geopolymers (GPs), have had a strong impact in scientific research, but the secondary raw materials utilization is playing a more and more crucial role in the whole materials sector in order to fulfil new circular economy and environmental sustainability requirements.
The reasons behind the issues above mentioned lie in the fast worldwide growth rate of industries and urbanization, which has demanded an increasingly laborious social and technological response, having as its sole purpose the attainment of the intended profits, no matter what. This reckless trend has led, over the years, to the progressive ecological-environmental collapse and intensive exploitation of primary natural resources, causing impoverishment of finite assets and wastes accumulation. Against this so called “linear economic” trend arises the circular economy, a paradigm that aims to minimize the use of finite resources, the recovery and valorisation of waste products and/or their reuse in the role of secondary raw materials.
In this perspective, residues such as stone wastes, fly ash, volcanic ash, tailings, ceramic wastes, construction and demolition waste etc., can potentially be converted into new geo-resources, after chemical and mineralogical characterization. Interesting examples of contributions come from the development of innovative and green geo-technologies: AAMs and GPs. These inorganic materials derive from the reaction between a liquid solution and aluminosilicatic powder compounds. The latter, due to the pH effect, are dissolved or depolymerized, forming an amorphous or semi-crystalline 3D structure. Such materials represent one of the possible solutions to the problem of the uncontrolled accumulation of wastes that, in this way, could potentially become secondary resources. Furthermore, the possibility of being synthesized at room temperature makes them green and eco-friendly products because they do not require the involvement of high thermal energy, resulting also in lower CO2 emissions. These materials and many other applications are of immense interest from a recycling standpoint.
Chemical-mineralogical characteristics of any typologies of secondary raw material make each of them applicable in various context. It has a huge effect on the development of new materials since different features are exploitable for different applicative purposes, therefore potentially covering any industrial sector.
In conclusions, the extreme natural and industrial wastes variability could be widely exploited for the benefit of circular economy and environmental sustainability. They could be used as secondary raw material for binders’ production, but also as fillers, aggregates and/or additives, thus the applications are many. These solutions are more and more important and their study could determine a much lower environmental impact than products conventionally used in all these fields, providing a new panorama in the sustainable economy scenario.

Silvia Portale – University of Catania
Francesco Volpintesta – University of Camerino

The tectonic evolution of the Earth influences the magmatic activity also in a broad temporal span. The continuous interaction between magmatism and tectonics has constantly shaped the Earth. In subduction or intraplate areas, magma petrogenesis is extremely different and leads to the formation of igneous intrusive and/or volcanic rocks with distinct affinities (e.g., calc-alkaline in subduction systems, alkaline in intraplate settings). The recent development of geochemical, isotopic and geochronological techniques allow us to frame the magmatic activity in space and time, as well those magmas emplaced in intraplate/extensional settings whose compositions reflect previous orogenic episodes, making more difficult to understand how different types of magmas and tectonic settings are linked together. Thus, to reconstruct the geodynamic evolution of the Earth, we need to correctly understand the petrogenetic processes that occurred in the past and/or present through the geochemical and isotopic characterization of the magmas. We encourage contributions concerning mantle, igneous petrology, geochemistry – based on innovative and/or traditional approaches – ranging from fieldwork to experimental approach, theoretical calculations, thermodynamic modelling, fluid and melt inclusion studies and volcanic volatiles.

Bruna Cariddi – INGV-OV
Simone Paternostro –  Università degli Studi di Firenze
Mattia Bonazzi – IGG-CNR

Since the early 1990s, the concept of geodiversity has gained increasing interest within the geosciences. Despite the increasing interest in geodiversity and geoheritage, there has been very little scientific effort in studying the role of geodiversity and geoheritage in sustainable development. Geodiversity refers to the diversity of the Earth’s physical features, while geoheritage refers to the geological and geomorphological features such as geosites that have scientific, aesthetic, cultural, or educational value.
The importance of geodiversity and geoheritage in sustainable development lies in their ability to provide benefits to society known as geosystem services. Additionally, preserving and promoting the geodiversity and geoheritage can enhance cultural heritage, foster a sense of identity and belonging, and contribute to sustainable tourism, which can lead to economic development.
The session will discuss the ways in which geodiversity and geoheritage can contribute to sustainable development and how they can be integrated into decision-making processes.
The session will also explore the ways in which geodiversity and geoheritage can be used to promote cultural heritage and the importance of preserving both natural and cultural heritage for future generations. The session will be particularly valuable for professionals, academics and policy makers working in the field of sustainable development, geology, geomorphology, geoheritage conservation, and cultural heritage management.

Elena Storta – University of Turin
Anna Sorrentino – University of Naples “Federico II”
Annamaria Pellino – University of Naples “Federico II”

Worldwide hot and cold collisional orogenic belts are among Earth’s most heterogeneous, intricate and fascinating geological features. During the convergence, when subduction, crustal thickening, and subsequently gravitational collapse take place, rocks stemming from different paleogeographic domains and making nappes stacks separated by tectonic contacts, experience polyphasic deformation and Low- to High-grade metamorphism. Such peculiar traits may include complex superimposed folds and foliations, multiscale shearing, polymetamorphism, partial melting and syn- to post-tectonic plutonism. Solving each part of this framework requires a multidisciplinary approach, including classical field mapping, multiscale structural analysis and kinematics reconstruction, Pressure (P) – Temperature  (T) estimates and geochronology, thermodynamic and numerical modeling. These different techniques are aimed at unraveling the tectonic and metamorphic evolution of nascent and mature compressional and extensional tectonic settings in space and time, and the interplay between deformation and metamorphism. The proposed session welcomes contributions from a wide range of disciplines to better constrain the geodynamic evolution-related processes leading to the mountain building. 

Fabiola Caso –  Università degli Studi di Milano
Lorenzo Dulcetta  – Università degli Studi di Cagliari 
Edoardo Sanità – Università di Pisa
Francesca Stendardi – University of Bologna
Thomas Gusmeo – University of Bologna

Groundwater provides almost half of all drinking water worldwide, around 40% of the water used in irrigation and about one third of the supply required for industry. Groundwater is also essential to preserve the functionality of several ecosystems and represents a key resource to cope with climate changes. However, due to worse and more frequent drought periods and the decrease in the availability of surface water – related to both human activities and climate change – fresh groundwater demand is going to increase. As a result, the pressure on aquifers and the consequent risk of groundwater depletion (i.e., from both quantitative and qualitative points of view) are expected to intensify. Therefore, the Sustainable Development Goal 6 on water and sanitation reported in the 2030 UNESCO Agenda for Sustainable Development can be achieved through a comprehensive investigation on the dynamics of surface and ground-water circulation and the processes that affect the availability of this resource.
In this framework, the proposed session focuses on the following topics:
1)     Advances in hydrogeological conceptual models;
2)     Estimation of groundwater recharge and the variables that affect it;
3)     Climate change and its impact on groundwater resources;
4)     Assessment of groundwater quality and vulnerability.
To achieve these goals, the most appropriate tools and study strategies depend on the spatial resolution of the study area, the hydrogeological settings and the presence of anthropic activities. At this scope, (i) the groundwater monitoring through well known techniques and remotely sensed data, (ii) the statistical analysis of the available data, (iii) the mathematical and numerical modeling of both surface and groundwater flows and (iv) the combined approach of innovative techniques, represent the most used methods for hydrogeological studies.
The aim of the session is to gather scientific contributions and case studies demonstrating the reliability of the methodologies applied for the investigation, management and planning of groundwater resources in different hydrogeological environments.
This thematic session is organized in collaboration with the Italian Section of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH-Italy) and with the cooperation of the Italian Group of the Early Career Hydrogeologists’ Network (ECHN-Italy).

Delia Cusano – University of Naples, Federico II
Alessia Di Giovanni – University  “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara
Daniele Lepore – University of Naples, Federico II
Maria Chiara Porru – University Campus of Cagliari

Research on minerals, raw materials and georesources, has always been a constant in human history as part of everyday life since the Stone Age to the technological boom experienced during the last decades.
Since the beginning of 21st century, however, reducing carbon footprint and energy consumption has become a priority, as part of the so-called green energy transition.

From this perspective, understanding of genesis, occurrence and properties of georesources and geomaterials (i.e., rocks, minerals and their synthetic counterparts), as well as waste materials in the context of a circular economy, represents the starting point for investigations about their applications in a countless fields and disciplines. Furthermore, changes imposed by the critical historical period that we will face in the near future will provide new challenges to the Earth Science community, since minerals and raw materials are expected to play a key role for an energetical/industrial and environmental improvement.

This session is focused on, but not limited, to, contributions on genesis, occurrence, crystal-chemical characterization, properties and applications of georesources and geomaterials on a broad sense, narrowly of microporous and layered materials such as zeolites and clays, with possible relevant implications on industrial, medical, agricultural, energetic and environmental fields, on cultural heritage conservation, material science and building materials, ceramics, mortars, compounds and geopolymers.

Giovanna Montesano – University of Naples Federico II
Tommaso Battiston –  University of Milan
Riccardo Fantini –  University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

We seek abstracts on the advancement of geophysical methodology, instrumentation, processing, modelling, and/or interpretation as applied to Sustainability Developments Goals of United Nations (i.e.: sustainability, energy transition, new critical elements, smart cities, water management, risk assessment and management, cultural heritages, etc.). Developments and case studies in seismic, geoelectric, electromagnetic, gravity, magnetic, ground penetrating radar, in addition to non-traditional geophysical methods and integrated techniques are welcome. Furthermore, we strongly invite innovative surveying techniques (i.e.: UAV). We aim to foster interaction between academia, industry and research centers in this session to bridge existing gaps and especially promote active involvement and development of students and early career professional. This session is in collaboration with the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)- European Regional Advisory Committee and Student Subcommittee.

Accomando Filippo – University of Naples Federico II / SEG Europe RAC
Barbolla Dora Francesca –  CNR-ISPC
Bianco Luigi – University of Naples Federico II / SEG Europe RAC
Speranza Luca – Energean

The frequency of destructive, rainfall-induced landslides as well as soil erosion processes is increasing in the last decades, possibly as a consequence of ongoing climate change. In some cases, such events induced by intense meteorological events can lead victims and huge economic losses. Therefore, studies aimed to define the impact on urbanized environments have increasingly played a pivotal role for hazard and risk assessment as well as mitigation strategies and safeguarding of human lives. Possible consequences of these phenomena are also connected to general loss of shallow soils, degradation and desertification processes.
Scientific understanding of all erosional physical processes controlling soil detachment, transportation, and deposition is vital when developing methods and conservation alternatives to minimize the impacts associated to soil degradation and support decision making. A key goal within such research is figuring out the processes linking hydrological hillslope processes, geological and geomorphological setting, predisposing and triggering conditions, transport and deposition, and external forcings to final collapses. Latest developments are commonly based on numerical modeling, laboratory tests and monitoring technics, aiming to investigate landscape evolution in a broad sense and over a range of spatial and temporal scales.
This session will discuss geological monitoring (short to long-term) by mean of local assessments or of remote sensing techniques; modelling approaches from basin to global scale, addressing current and future climate change; mitigation and management measures aimed designed to help the stakeholders with reducing the impact of landslides and soil erosion.

Mariagiulia Annibali Corona – University of Naples Federico II
Rita Tufano – University of Sannio
Francesco Fusco – Politecnico of Milan
Monica Corti –  Politecnico of Milan
Agostino Meo – Univeristy of Sannio
Giorgio Paglia – University of G. d’Annunzio Chieti and Pescara

Hippocrates wrote a treatise on how the environment affects human health in the 5th century BC, but it is only in recent decades that it has been increasingly recognized that the safeguarding of health, not only of humans beings but of all living organisms, is influenced by geochemical environments.
Nowadays, as global environmental challenges such as climate change and industrial pollution become increasingly pressing, the importance of understanding the complex geochemical processes in environmental media has never been more relevant. In addition to determining the effects of anthropic activities it is also relevant to study and interpret the natural contamination phenomena and to distinguish the natural background or the actual baseline geochemical values from the anomalous ones. These topics are of utmost importance as they represent the basis for a correct risk assessment and for the definition of remediation objectives.
Advanced statistical, mapping and data mining techniques provide a powerful approach to gaining a comprehensive understanding of the geochemical processes that control the behaviour, transport and fate of inorganic and organic contaminants, and that influence their bioaccessibility, bioavailability and thus their ecotoxicological state, and can help predict or assess their impacts on ecosystem and human health at all scales.
The proposed scientific session will cover a range of topics related to the use of statistical and mapping techniques for analyzing geochemical data in environmental media, that comprises soils, sediments, rocks, waters, air, vapours, foods, living and fossil organisms, and other substances. The session is intended to all environmental scientists interested in advancing the understanding of complex geochemical processes at both global and local scales, and their applications to real-world problems.
We warmly encourage presentations that focus on understanding the geochemistry of contaminants, whether of natural or anthropogenic origin, particularly those involving Geographical Information System (GIS) methods. Topics could include, but will not be limited to: contaminants emissions from anthropogenic or geogenic sources; contaminants fate and transport within the environment; chemical and physical data measurement, monitoring and modelling; human exposure and health effects; relationships between geochemical, geomedical and epidemiological data; food and water security; remediation and intervention strategies; definition of geochemical baseline/background values; deterministic or stochastic Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment (HHRA and ERA).

Annalise Guarino – University of Naples “Federico II”
Lucia Rita Pacifico – University of Naples “Federico II”
Antonio Aruta – Esri Italia 
Maurizio Ambrosino – University of Sannio

In analysing a system, only a variation of perspective from which it is studied can show us what was previously obscure to our knowledge; variation offered to us by multi-disciplinary coupled with multi-analytical approach. The progress of technology provides us with new instruments thus expanding the range of perspectives available from which to analyse the system. The data collected by each of them are processed thus providing, in exclusively holistic vision of a multi-disciplinary approach, a result that can better approximate the reality of the system.
In the event that the system under investigation is the ancient material cultures of mankind, which have been preserved until the present day, the archaeometry discipline proves to be essentially useful to outline the main features of the cultures behind each of them. The ceramic material is one of the first material produced by mankind and employed until now, as consequently one of the main of our material culture. This, thanks to easy availability of its raw material and to its versatility in purpose, proved to be broadly widespread, thus being appropriate to be a comparative element among several producing culture.
Archaeometrically, the diagnostic procedure of material ceramic is well consolidated; such procedure mainly use the methodologies, destructive and not, typical of the disciplines of the Earth science. On the other hand, the correlation with the archaeological interpretation is more dynamic, even though equally limited, in the event that diagnostic procedure will be still unchanged. To date, thanks to the intervention of an archaeometric approach, many archaeological questions have been resolved, but not all. Concerning the cultures producing the ceramic material under investigation, it is possible, not always in their entirety, to outline some of their features like: technological background, the extension and internal dynamics of trade networks and temporal evaluation of socio-cultural and socio-economic aspects, highlighting at the same time their fluctuations along with possible correlations to particular historical events.
From this partial determination, the reflection of not being able to expect innovation in the knowledge of our past by continuing to apply an invariable methodological routine arises spontaneously. In this consideration lies the objective of the present proposal, which is to provide an overview, to date, of the new perspectives of analysis and how they can condition archaeological research. Proposal that mainly focuses on the study of ceramic material but which, at the same time, does not exclude the various geomaterials of archaeological interest related to it.
Which methodologies are currently considered obsolete? Which ones continue to retain their validity? Finally, which of the new ones, considering their implications in archaeological research, are indispensable in outlining the new methodological routines that are emerging?

D’ Uva Francesco – University of Naples Federico II
Calzolari Laura –  University of Rome Sapienza

Earthquakes are phenomena that have a great impact on human society in terms of loss of life and damage to civilian buildings and cultural heritage. In recent decades, several studies and methods have been carried out to reduce seismic risk, but as the recent dramatic event in Turkey shows, much progress still needs to be made in this regard. The session will cover a variety of topics related to seismology, including:

1. Earthquake monitoring: studies related to the monitoring of seismic events (tectonic, volcanic, and anthropogenic etc.) as well as the development of new methodologies on this subject are welcomed. Earthquake early-warning studies are also accepted.
2. Seismic hazard assessment: studies related with the identification and analysis of areas characterized by significant seismic risk and the assessment of potential damage and loss of life.
3. Earthquake engineering: studies related to the behaviour of buildings and other structures during earthquakes and the development of strategies to improve their resilience, to micro-zonation and to the analysis of seismic records of strong motion.
4. Seismic imaging: studies related to seismic imaging of the shallow and deep structures of the ground. In particular, studies on seismic source modelling and tomography are well accepted.
5. Earthquake forecasting: studies on earthquake patterns and trends to develop models that can be used for earthquake forecasting.
6. Tsunami: studies related to its modelling and risk are accepted

This symposium encourages the exchange and presentation of original studies on seismology to promote the improvement of knowledge and multidisciplinary discussion on this topic. 

Deniz Ertuncay – University of Trieste
Piero Brondi – OGS
Arianna Cuius – University of Trieste
Simone Francesco Fornasari – University of Trieste 

Interactions between the main Earth’s spheres, including lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere play a pivotal role in controlling global changes. Mankind has been altering continuously and increasingly near-surface natural systems. Agriculture practices, energy production, manufacturing industry, landfilling, mining, and more generally everyone’s everyday life have been having a significant impact on the Earth’s sphere processes. Global warming, extreme weather events associated with droughts and floods, and environmental pollution are some examples of direct consequences of human-related perturbations in the chemistry and quality of waters, soils, and air. Anthropogenic pressure is increasingly smashing habitats and ecosystems. The conservation and preservation of the existing ecosystems must be the main aim for the current and next generations. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive knowledge of the phenomena involved is necessary.
Geochemical investigations based on a holistic approach can be an essential tool to understand, on the one hand, the complex mechanisms regulating the interactions and exchanges between the natural spheres and, on the other, assess how and to what extent human activities are affecting global changes, at both local and global scales. Isotope geochemistry, organic and inorganic geochemistry and biogeochemistry can be used to elucidate the natures and magnitudes of drivers controlling the sources, distributions, behaviours, cycles, and fates of chemical elements in natural systems. Insights into chemical element fluxes and into the main factors by which they are controlled would help us define and characterise the main biogeochemical-physical processes driving the Earth’s sphere exchanges. Health and environmental risk assessments can state the quality of natural systems and the polluting load of anthropogenic effluxes.
Thus, environmental geochemistry helps us discover the driving forces of natural system resilience and vulnerabilities. Geochemical findings might drive policies dealing with strategies, measures or practices to control and reduce anthropogenic environmental pressures. Environmental sustainability strategies are the key to the conservation, and restoration of natural systems and habitats today and in the future.
Experimental and field investigations focussed on biogeochemical-physical processes in the system soil-water-air, interactions between natural and human factors, environmental and health risk assessment, and mitigation actions for anthropogenic impacts are welcomed.

Antonio Randazzo – Università degli Studi di Firenze
Federica Meloni – Università degli Studi di Firenze
Filippo Brugnone – Università degli Studi di Palermo

The study of active faults is fundamental for the understanding of earthquake dynamics and of the seismic hazard of a region, both in dip-slip and oblique to strike-slip domains.
Recognizing evidence of past and repeated earthquakes in the landscape as well as constraining the fault parameters such as geometry, fault trace evidence, and slip rates over different time scales are the first challenges for earthquake geologists, and essential elements for determining seismic hazards. To do that, multi-methodological and multi-scale approaches are usually applied, including field and remote survey techniques.
Direct and indirect geophysical investigations are needed to assess the fault geometry at depth and the fault trace if it is buried, or if the landscape has been modified by human activities. In contrast, the acquisition and morphological analysis of high-resolution topographic data (i.e., LIDAR), geological and structural surveys, geochronology and paleoseismic investigations are necessary to constrain the fault activity.
Particularly, paleoseismology is a valuable technique that provides the record of the past earthquakes produced by the studied fault. This, along with numerical dating of the stratigraphy and fault-offset measurements, allows to derive the recurrence intervals and the slip rates.
The fault parameters together with the geometry and segmentation of the fault, are crucial for the seismic hazard evaluation of a region, especially in fault-based models.
Besides the shaking, active faulting can produce surface ruptures that are also hazardous for urbanized areas, critical facilities and services (i.e., power plants, dams, roads…). This particularly localized hazard can be assessed through avoidance strategies, in the frame of land planning (i.e., Seismic Microzonation), or probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis, for preexisting infrastructures located on or close to the fault trace.
However, during the coseismic stage, displacement occurs not only on the principal fault plane, but often affects also secondary splays. Therefore, the understanding of how rupture propagation distributes on the distinct fault planes belonging to the same active fault system certainly can provide a useful contribution for the evaluation of seismic hazard and consequently for regional planning.

In this session are welcome contributions on: the characterization of active fault parameters by different approaches (e.g., geomorphology, paleoseismology, geodesy); the fault-based and other seismic hazard assessment methods; the challenges on the integration of earthquake geology in seismic hazard studies.  
We are particularly interested in works that help improve integration among different methodological approaches, including traditional structural geology, paleoseismology, morphotectonics, geophysics, and remote sensing.  

Alessio Testa -University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti
Irene Puliti – University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti;
Giulia Patricelli – University of Ferrara / University of Udine
Octavi Gómez Novell – University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti / University of Barcelona. 

Geomorphology is located at the intersection of geology, geography, biology, physics, and chemistry and studies landforms developed due to the activity of geomorphic processes on geological structures, occurring in different temporal and spatial scales.
Geomorphologists have developed mapping and modeling techniques to interpret their relief and dynamics, untangle the complex processes responsible for the development of landforms and past deposits, and reconstruct in which way they operate. Apart from deciphering the landscape shaping processes, the scales that they operate, and the complex dynamics, geomorphology is becoming further applicable in the modern world due to the rapidly changing climate and population growth. Global warming and sea-level rise are accelerating the modification of landforms (i.e. coastline erosion, ice sheet/glacial retreat,  desert lake desiccation) shifting the scientific interest to areas prone to irreparable changes such as the ice sheets, glaciers, desert dunes, lakes, deltas, and coral reefs.
During the Anthropocene, human activities are believed to be the main forcing on shaping the Earth’s surface, having a direct and indirect effect on natural processes. Both human activities and climate change are responsible for the increase in the magnitude and frequency of geomorphological hazards. On top of this, the continuous alternation of the landscapes has a strong effect on the organisms that inhabit the different ecosystems. From this perspective, our knowledge about the interaction between the biosphere and the Earth’s surface morphodynamics is still thin on the ground. Thus, special focus should be given not only to the influences of geomorphology on ecosystems functioning, but also to the role of biota on land forming process especially under changing climatic conditions.
Our session aims in promoting geomorphology in all its forms, encouraging the engagement between young scientists interested in glacial, volcanic, karst, fluvial, coastal, marine and urban environments, but also climate change and geomorphology.  The session welcomes contributions presenting recent studies regarding the following scientific subjects:

– Glacial and permafrost geomorphology (deformation, deposition, erosion, glaciers, ice etc.);
– Karst geomorphology (sinkholes, sinking streams, caves, springs etc.);
– Fluvial geomorphology (fluvial geomorphology, Large-scale sediment transfer, flood-risk management etc.);
– Coastal, Estuarine and Marine geomorphology (Sea cliffs, Wave-cut platforms, Sea stacks and arches, Deltas, Barrier Island/estuarine systems, Strand-plain coasts, Beaches and coastal dunes, Submarine landforms, General processes of erosion and deposition etc.);
– Climate change & Geomorphology;
– Ecogeomorphology (Ecogeomorphological processes and river management, Consequences of climate change on ecogeomorphologic systems, Fluviodeltaic systems, biogeomorphological controls on sediment and water fluxes in coastal areas, Biogeomorphological processes across the land to ocean continuum etc.);
– Urban geomorphology (urban geomorphology and sustainability, Application of geomorphology in urban planning, geomorphological classification of urban landscapes, urban development and the alteration of the built environment, Urban climate, Climate change and natural hazards in the city etc.);
– Geoarcheology.

Nikos Georgiou – Ca’Foscari University of Venice
Konstantinos Marios Vaziourakis –  Uppsala University, Sweden
Maria Francesca Tursi – Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope
Claudia Caporizzo – Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope

The ever-increasing availability of large database and repositories of morphologic, paleoclimatic, and fossil record data, coupled with the upsurge of powerful statistical methods and fast computer facilities is paving the way for large-scale (and deep time) investigations in the fields of paleobiology and general-purpose investigations in climate change during the anthropocene. The session theme is to collect contributions in these disparate lines of research, with special emphasis on modern investigation techniques at the macro scale.

Silvia Castiglione  – University of Naples “Federico II”
Marina Melchionna – University of Naples “Federico II”
Alessandro Mondanaro – University of Florence
Carmela Serio – Liverpool John Moores University